20 years Ago: Radar Based Cruise Control Debut

Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons
20 years Ago: Radar Based Cruise Control Debut
Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons

20 years! Two decades! That’s how long RacingJunk.com has been in business, and we are celebrating this milestone by looking back at some of the good, bad, ugly and just plain weird things that happened in the race and performance space 20 years ago! Every Thursday, we’ll throw it back to the end of the millenium and check out what 1999 had to offer (aside, of course, from Prince!). Want to share? Tag us with #RJ20Years in your social posts!

Cruise control had already been around for a while in 1999, but only in a very basic form, capable of maintaining a car’s speed but little else. The innovation of using radar allowed for the creation of adaptive cruise control systems, which automatically adjust a car’s speed to keep a constant safe distance between the cruising car and the vehicle in front.

These days, cruise control systems are even more advanced, with collision avoidance systems, abrupt braking capability and even automatic steering to hopefully get cars away from a crash. Regardless of what you think of the ‘self-driving’ cars on the road today, neither they nor more modestly autonomous vehicles sporting basic adaptive cruise control would be possible had radar not entered the scene in 1999.

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