Thread: Who's Who???
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Old 09-19-2008, 03:36 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 13

Rudy, you were doing great ripping on that dude who tried to make some money on his golden heads. But if you want to join in on this one, jump on in. And I know your lonely and been feeding quit a bit, but quit inviting everyone to NC. You won't find friends like that. Only been on this board for a week and know about five guys you've invited to your place, either to beat them up or (can't imagne) whatever. I thought this site was a great place to stop by and read about scammers or peeps saying hi or tech stuff but never imagned it could be so entertaining and would find peeps gong after each other and the revealing cries for help, gosh, almost got choked up about the "I'm a sensative guy" post. LOL, KEEP IT UP.
And before you even start on that other post.... yes, I'm a liar, scammer, thief, alcoholic, drug addict, criminal and was abused by my dad (feel free to take a stab at Davebat too). So now that all this is out in the open, go baby go!.....
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