Thread: Honor Roll..??
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Old 07-12-2010, 12:42 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
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Thanks for the explanation PJ, it's about time! The "I been outa town" excuse doesn't flush here though. You certainly had time to explain the honor system while you were out of town! Were you in the office then? Or did you answer from your laptop?
Don't take so long before explaining next time, your job is to make things run nice and smooth for RJ, you dropped the ball on the flag issue.

I do want to say thanks (sincerely) for the explanation.

You likely have no idea, or even care how important being honorable to your flag is to me................................................ ..............................
and my son as well as all the others that fought and/or died for it!

BTW, thanks for getting rid of that goofy thing that was on the banner for the 4th! Step it up art department :!: :lol: :lol:
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