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Old 02-10-2009, 05:10 AM
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Originally Posted by outlaw256
laws are not made by the majoraty. laws are made by a few men that all of us have to follow.and no i wont follow a law,any law that goes against what i believe is right.our country has become a land of pussies. we cant defend ourselves unless we have witnesses to say yes it was self tries to rob me and i dont want to be robbed so i kill him. he goes to hell and i go to jail.unessecary force.a man molest my kids, i kill him. he goes to hell i go to jail. let the law handle it, they say, i say belts saves lives this i know, but i dont need no damn body to tell me to wear one. law says i cant beat my kid. well let him breakout the windows on your house or dragcar poison your dog or maybe cut your pool liner in half. you want me to talk to him and tell him shame on you johnny or do you want me to kick his ass (then pay you ).dont matter what you or anybody else wants im gonna kick his ass as i tell him shame on you. one of our founding fathers said the least government is the best government.yes we need laws. because theres a bunch of nuts out there now days, but alot of them laws they are passing is starting to interfer with my way of living and i dont like it

remind me never to mess with you. :lol:
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