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Old 11-14-2012, 09:47 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 628

"Liberals" will never learn.

They learned nothing about the Time between 1929 and 1941 . . FDR's experiments and failures with the economy was literally disastrious to not only the US Economy but the economies of the world as well . .

Thank Adolf Hitler and the Emperor of Japan for getting us out of that one . . Because that's what it took . .

What we have witnessed in the last election was not an overwhelming number of "Liberals" voting for Socialism, but a large number of "Paid Dependents" voting for the man who has promised them "Stuff" . . Kind of a "Taxpayer Financed Voter Bribe" . . .

And those people have little knowledge about where the money comes from that they receive every month, nor do they really care, but they will be the first ones into the streets when those checks quit coming . .
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