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Old 03-14-2013, 04:54 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 628

Banning Guns doesn't work. We all know that. And whether you ban one kind, or all of them, as long as somebody makes 'em, somebody else will have 'em . . That's a given.

None of the Bans or the politics that revolve around the bans stops gun violence in our cities. Yesterday some dude ran amok in New York State, which just passed a whole passel of strict gun laws (Enough to draw a boycott of gun and gun related industries), with a regular pump shotgun. Dunno how many people he killed, 6, I think, and wounded several more . . Which tends to make you ask; "Was it the Shotgun, or the shotgunner?"

This guy had no criminal record and at this time, it's unknown if he had any kind of diagnosed mental disorder or was under treatment. But I'll bet he was . .

And again, Mandatory sentencing and hard time for possession of "Illegal" ("Stolen" Guns) would be the direction to go, instead of passing unenforcable laws that make criminals of honest citizens . .

Taking the guns away from crooks may not prevent the "Going Postal Shootings" but in the long run, it'll make our streets safer and save several hundred lives every year . .
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