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Old 06-18-2007, 04:56 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Maine,USA
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Here it is from another board,I didn't think this place was this bad,but it came from the horses mouth or his ass,help me decide?? I am really doing a bad job here?I guess they stripped this place of all the knowlegeable people,(cream of the crop) and left all the trash here,this is what I am getting,maybe I am taking it wrong here,can you guys help me out?I am confused.

This came from MSV.

Originally Posted by gdmii
Thanks guys. You know, when you believe in something it's not hard to find a way to help all you can. I believe in this board. It's the best of it's type I have seen, meaning all you guys make it what it is. And it's certainly the best managed. Just a compliment, Ken. Not a&& kissin. =; There's a couple of good technical boards out there but they're not well managed and one in particular is almost as bad as RJ with all the personal insults. All that stuff does is take away from commraderie and the sincerity of the technical advice. I'm proud to be a part of what we have here as should each of you.

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