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Old 08-26-2016, 11:49 AM
Harbone's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 4,042
Default Attention RJ Forum Brothers!

We used to have a great crew of guys on here that would post daily, get involved in tracking down scammers and always praising the good guys.
We talked about the good times and the bad, we have seen some of the true originals pass on, R.I.P. Zip, and we have seen some just get upset and leave. By the way, I still have Rudys email, going to beg him to come back.
I invite everyone to please come back and start posting up whenever possible.
Lets hear about your cars, work, home, hobbies, etc.
I think we can bring this place back to life but its gonna take more than just me.
By the way, I have been asked to be the new forum moderator and am extremely honored to do so. This is a non-paying gig but I have spent almost 10 years on here, this being the 1st forum I ever signed up for, and I kind of consider this place my home so to speak.
So gentlemen what do you all say, can we pump some life back into this beast?

As close to "Normal" as I can get...
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