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Old 09-26-2009, 02:30 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2007
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Default Hey Brian

Hey Brian:

I didnt want you to think all was in the clear. Its not.

Bogus email, and pay per minute phone- slick, but all that means is you have to work a little harder to get ALL sorts of info on you.

BTW- given your admission that you received Curtis' money, your statement that you were returning his cash, your failure to do so, your creation of a bogus email and your pay per use cell.

What do you REALLY think Law Enforcement is going to see?


That my friend is going to make things pretty dicey.

So everything is proceeding, relax, unclench your sphincter- All is well.

Forum users;

Mike 2124 isnt William Hurter- his name is BRIAN.

More info to come.

Sleep tight little fella.

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