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Old 06-18-2013, 05:01 AM
bjuice's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Greenville s.c.
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I watched it again at Mid night. Fell asleep before it ended. . Nahhhh I didn't miss anything the show before. ITS NOT STREET RACING OR STREET CARS AND FAR FROM OUTLAW CARS.

Most of the stuff I saw was high 6 second stuff in 1/8th low 7 sec.maybe a low 6 second car possible very high 5 second car I saw in the start of the show credits and those cars looked like the film snippet was from a track .... I am being VERY generous.

The only thing I saw that was close to street racing was the Flagman
He is not to smart my Outlaw Nova runs the 60 ft in 1.10 seconds. Flagman could not even react to get out of the way in that time frame. The 3,000 lb car is already running close to 75/80 mph at that point ( Guns Blazing)

Fastest outlaw car in the country ???? hmmmmmm wonder where my Nova would fit in ? LOL

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