Thread: Honor Roll..??
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Old 07-09-2010, 11:52 AM
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: North Adams MA
Posts: 57
Default Honor Payment

Thanks guys for your payments we certainly do appreciate it. The Honor Payment is as you say it is a donation to the site if you think it was helpful. We don't track sales so we would never know if you ever did sell something but this way people can still donate to the site to keep it free for everyone.

Rabbit, I understand your thinking about paying for the ad, however if you look at your receipt, you will see that you never really pay for an ad. That line will always be a $0.00 value. You can pay for a membership that gives you more bells and whistles, higher ad placement, free photo galleries. Or you can pay for an upgrade such as Featuring it Premiering it, but that is the payment for these kinds of services. You never actually pay for an ad on our site. We wanted to make sure even if you were getting an upgrade you never had to pay for an ad.

In all cases the Honor Payment does help us keep the site free for everyone who may not have the money to sell an item on the site. Lets see if eBay can say the same.
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