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Old 12-19-2008, 02:16 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: EUGENE,OR.
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You know, I am not a very violant person, but in this kind of case, I think I would find him. I would learn as much as I could about this person & write down everything you remember about EVERY DETAIL of what happend (do not forget anything). Who knows him? Tatoos/Scars?Who are his friends? Next, where do they all live.... what do they all drive.... etc.

Once the cops are involved, LATCH on to the investigator assigned to case & do not let go. Everytime you find any detial about this crime, call him & make sure you do not get pushed back to the bottom of the stack!! (this happend to me) You may end up doing more work than the investigator himself, but that is ok if it helps.

Man, scary times we are in... glad you are ok & not hurt. Rigsby
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