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qtrmile2 01-17-2012 06:10 PM

Originally Posted by shawnp
Kind of a harsh statement to make. Joe West is a very good friend and I can assure you that your comment is the farthest thing from the truth.

I did not make the statement to Joe West your friend did I ?
I'm sure your right about him. I don't even know Joe West and my statement didn't mention him by name. My opinion is based on that it looks fishy that you have to have a diaper on S/ST cars and not Stock or Super stock. These cars run alot faster than S/ST cars. Back to my opinion is that it seems that NHRA and dealers get together making these decisions similar to seat belts every two years. They discuss how they do things that effect the racers and in turn cost them more money.
To me it seems like it's just another way of making it cost more for the poor racers and NHRA and the dealers make out on it. If they were thinking so much about safety then why don't all classes have to wear them.
It just reminds me of having to buy seat belts every two years when there is nothing wrong with them.
Again Just my opnion

lively 01-17-2012 06:31 PM

exactly---why is my scattershield bad after using it but never had an explosion on it at all?

safety is great but this changing constantly is greed and control---yes -i can choose to run someplace else[ we go to other tracks other then our NHRA track at ST.LOUIS,MO] it is waaaaaaaay to expensive to even run there let alone compete with all their rule changes

the other line i look at is i am legal at one NHRA track but not at another NHRA track :oops: :oops:

no offense but i will stand behind my thought on this

shawnp 01-18-2012 02:44 AM

When you make a general statement, it covers all and is making assumptions.

It is NOT dealers that make out from NHRA and SFI. What do you think happens to unsold product that is either to close to expiration to sell or has expired? Do you think that RCI makes out selling the platinum belts with a 1 time free recertification? Do you think the guys that have the SFI approved diapers will be out if/when SFI decides they are only good for a few years when they have inventory that may become outdated?

You want to point fingers then start with the SFI committee and then look at NHRA. It is the dealers and manufacturers that lose money when some of these ignorant changes take place.

qtrmile2 01-18-2012 01:23 PM

Originally Posted by shawnp
When you make a general statement, it covers all and is making assumptions.

It is NOT dealers that make out from NHRA and SFI. What do you think happens to unsold product that is either to close to expiration to sell or has expired? Do you think that RCI makes out selling the platinum belts with a 1 time free recertification? Do you think the guys that have the SFI approved diapers will be out if/when SFI decides they are only good for a few years when they have inventory that may become outdated?

You want to point fingers then start with the SFI committee and then look at NHRA. It is the dealers and manufacturers that lose money when some of these ignorant changes take place.

I see what your saying but look at the increase in sales due to mandating the products. Look at the icrease in cost for the racers. I don't have a sponsor so it's my hard earned money. I think if they are good business men they would only disgard a few out dated products. Plus I have to discard my stuff when it's not unsafe. It's not gunna change no matter how long people talk about it or gripe about it.
Like they say Race or stay home. Hell they close so many tracks we probably won't have to worry about in the next 5 years or less.

TheYellaBrick 01-18-2012 06:18 PM

Screw some tall gears in the rear, bolt on a set of 'Z' rated tires and hit the one mile shootouts !
A whole bunch easier on equipment, too .
:D :D :D :D :D

outlaw256 01-19-2012 04:02 AM

screw all the rules, im a outlaw and thats how ill race. on a lonely backroad. and bet i come home with more money in my pocket than you!!1 if i come home. hell thats how it all started anyway.and i dont mean none of that fast and furious ship either.a pretty girl flaggin me of. man that sounds

TS1955 01-19-2012 08:49 AM

IMO most of the rules that are out there are justified. When you have a guy with exhaust tubing wrapped with roll bar padding and says he has a cage in his car running 5.90's in the 1/8th is very unsafe. And yes, I recaged a guys car because of that. Most of this stuff is brought on by racers with unsafe equipment. But what is not justifiable is the short duration of these certifications. And I think a diaper is a good "safety net." Like I said JMO.


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